Magic health and beauty qualities of peanuts are well known even to those who do not use it that often. Always fresh, tasty, carefully manufactured and wrapped in bigger and smaller bags, SL HELLO PEANUTS are in our offer all year long, because we know that each fan of this extremely healthy nut appreciates the quality of our peanuts.

We thought even of those who love peanut butter so we put nut butter in a 200g jar and made it accessible to all consumers. Thanks to the trust you placed us, SL HELLO PEANUT BUTTER, of an excellent flavor is one of our most sold products.

  • Krc Krc sunflower seeds 50g

    1,65kg (33kom)


  • Krc Krc pumpkin seeds 50g

    1,65kg (33kom)


  • Krc Krc peanuts 50g

    1,65kg (33kom)


  • Hello Peanuts 100g

    3kg (30kom)


  • Vacuum packed Peanuts 250g

    4,50kg (18kom)


  • Krc Krc – Peanut Butter 200g

    4,80kg (24kom)
