Takovo Company’s traditional alcoholic drinks are an unavoidable part of home feasts, as well as a mandatory part of restaurant offers.

There are 18 products in our alcoholic drinks product range, packed in glass packaging, divided in two groups. First group consists of fruit based products (fruit rakias), while the second group consists of products based on the refined ethyl alcohol (strong alcoholic drinks).

TAKOVO VILJAMOVKA is one of the most famous Serbian brands, made by multi-stage distillation pear marcs (Williams). The most valuable thing that Viliamovka, the juiciest and sweetest pear has, is transferred into this rakia. After aging for several years and cherishing in “Takovo“ butleries, bouqet is produced, which kept the aroma of this high quality unsurpassed sort. Well known pear-shaped green bottle conquered not only Serbian, but the international market as well.

Of course, there is a far known TAKOVO BALTIC VODKA, made according to Polmos licence in its 0,05L, 0,1 L and 1L bottles.

  • Vršačka Loza 50ml

    Vršačka Loza (Grape brandy) 43%, 50ml


  • Šljivovica 50ml

    Slivovitz 40%, 50ml


  • Rummy 50ml

    Rummy 40%, 50ml


  • Baltic Vodka 50ml

    Baltic Vodka 40%, 50ml


  • Dunja 40%, 100ml

    1,5kg (15kom)
