Number one among salty sticks, GRISKI – peanut sticks, are savory treats enjoyed by all generations. CRUNCHIES – peanut sticks, brought a new flavor, that became a favorite for everyone, to our market. When you  ,,peanut sticks“ you mean GRISKI, and that is proven by our factories that continuously work in order to produce enough quantities of this perfect combination of salty sticks and peanuts, which flavor is unique.

Thanks to HELLO salty sticks that are a necessary part of every party, celebration or friendly gathering, enjoying savory snacks is complete. In packages from 40g to 250g HELLO sticks are suitable for consuming on the go as well as while relaxing at home. Whether they are in a form of a pretzel or a stick, the taste of this snack is always magical and crunchy.

SL QUICKERS and SL QUICKERS with sesame seeds are ready to satisfy your need for a quick and nutritious meal any time. They are ideal for combining with other groceries, SL QUICKERS AND SL QUICKERS with sesame seeds are salty snacks which perfect flavor is really hard to resist.

  • Kvikersi 300g

    Kvikersi 300g

    3,30kg (11kom)


  • Hello Salty Sticks 220g

    4,4kg (20kom)


  • Hello Sticks with Sesame 90g

    2,25kg (25kom)


  • Hello Sticks with Sesame 180g

    2,16kg (12kom)


  • Kvikersi 200g

    Kvikersi Classic 200g

    3,60kg (18kom)


  • Griski Sticks with Peanut Filling 40g

    2,6kg (65kom)


  • Griski Sticks with Peanut Filling 150g

    6kg (40 kom)


  • Griski Sticks with Peanut Filling 200g

    2,40kg (12kom)


  • Hello Salty Pretzels 200g

    3,60kg (18kom)
